Goods & Services: Find a local business

Books, Gifts, Clothing & Apparel, Sewing Alteration

Books, Fine Jewelry, Gifts, Apparel

Chillermania - 231-238-0338
Located at 1651 S. Straits Hwy., north of Indian River - ONLINE

McClutchey’s - 231-238-7712
Located at 3510 S. Straits Hwy., downtown Indian River - ONLINE

The Cross in the Woods - 231-238-8973
Located at 7078 M-68, Indian River - ONLINE

Goldenrod Fine Jewelry - 231-238-9006
Located downtown Indian River - on FACEBOOK

North Star Gardens - 231-238-4141
Located at 4104 S. Straits Hwy., Indian River - ONLINE

Stormy Kromer - A Cap & Ale House - 231-445-9090
Located at 221 N. Main St., Cheboygan

Sewing, knitting, alterations

Hand Works - Call or text 231-445-9098
Garment alterations, sewing & knitting lessons